Developing a brand that makes family organization an easier, shared responsibility for everyone in your home.
Hearth is on a mission to help households focus their precious time on meaningful, positive interactions. Their technology makes juggling goals and responsibilities feel miraculously effortless. TWA partnered with Hearth to collaboratively develop their entire brand, from strategy to web design, that was as magical as the product itself. While Hearth is on their third sold-out product drop, make sure to join their waitlist!
Brand Strategy, Visual Identity System, Verbal Identity and Messaging, Animation and Motion Graphics, Digital Assets, Art Direction, Iconography, Patterns, Brand Guidelines, Web Design

The rebrand of Hearth was built on the mantra, “More magical moments.” TWA developed a system that is warm, vibrant and mystical. The logo itself models the shape of a house with a twinkle that plays out across the system.

Running a modern home is a shared goal, but often becomes an unequally distributed balance of working, parenting and educating. In the past, families have turned to whiteboards, calendars and planners - which were good starts but not great solutions. That’s where Hearth comes in. Aiming to organize your list of responsibilities in a way that’s more fun, not more work, Hearth was built on the concept that redesigning household dynamics is possible when a product rewards shared effort and responsibility.

Iconography and copy is both playful and purposeful, ensuring the task list is clear and also encouraging. Motion is used throughout the system, adding to the magic through movement.

Three abstract home shapes are used as a graphic device across the system as image containers. These containers can be stretched horizontally and vertically or flipped to accommodate different compositions.

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